Ninth Grade Timeline
Use this time-line to make sure you are accomplishing everything you need to in order to reach your maximum potential!
• Get off to a great start with your grades. The grades you earn in ninth grade will be included in your final high school GPA and class rank.
• As soon as you can, meet with your counselor to begin talking about colleges and careers (Four-Year Plan).
• College might seem a long way off now, but grades really do count toward college admission and scholarships. Study Hard!
• Begin to explore your interests and possible career choices.
• Get involved in extra-curricular activities. These help you enjoy school, develop interests, and add to your accomplishments.
• Talk to your parents about planning for college expenses. Continue or begin a savings plan for college.
• Use the internet to check out college websites. Pay attention to admission requirements. is a great site to explore colleges.
• Tour a nearby college, if possible and get a feel for college life. Most colleges offer preview days.
• Investigate summer enrichment programs through work, in the community, or through area colleges.