Mrs. Amber Walker » Independent Reading & A.R. Guidelines

Independent Reading & A.R. Guidelines

There are a great many benefits of independent reading.  This activity develops vocabulary, strengthens creative thought, and widens one's perspective.  In our classroom, students are encouraged to settle down with a book when they have free time.  Students can select a book from our classroom library, the MHS library, a community library, or from their own personal library.
**Not every book is appropriate for every student.  If you are not comfortable with a book, get a new book.  I am happy to help you discover some books that you may enjoy.**
Students are expected to carve out time to read for at least 20 minutes a day.  Independent reading will be the only homework that students will have in my courses.  In Reading, there are dedicated reading workshop days.  This time allows students to get some time in with their books, as well as conference with me, write about what they are seeing, updated reading graphic organizers, and take A.R. quizzes.  Students will create independent reading projects to record their understanding, thinking, and reflections while reading independently over the course of the school year.  Independent reading is a cornerstone to our curriculum.
Students are required to participate in the Moody ISD Accelerated Reader (A.R.) program.
  • 500 pages (minimum) each grading period (see A.R. deadlines below)
  • A.R. Quiz passed = pages counted
  • Available Quiz Supports = Book, A.R. Graphic Organizer Notes (which must be turned in after quiz - pass or fail)
  • Major grade in Reading gradebook
Between our in class studies and students' independent reading, the MHS independent reading goal is attainable.  
A.R. Deadlines
Students need to plan accordingly for A.R. deadlines.  All students at MHS have the same deadline, which means A.R. kiosks can have long wait times.  Windows are not extended due to absences or lack of planning.
  • 1st Grading Period:   3:30 p.m. on Friday, September 13th
  • 2nd Grading Period:  3:30 p.m. on Friday, October 25th
  • 3rd Grading Period:   3:30 p.m. on Friday, December 13th
  • 4th Grading Period:   3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 7th
  • 5th Grading Period:   3:30 p.m. on Friday, March 28th
  • 6th Grading Period:   3:30 p.m. on Friday, May 9th
TEKS 3a:  Students are expected to self-select texts and read independently for a substantial period of time.