Moody High School Students/Parents - We are excited about the start of a new school year! In order to hit the ground running on the first day of school, MHS will begin distributing student technology on Monday, August 10th. Students are asked to come with a parent to the front foyer on the appropriate day for their grade level:
Freshmen - Monday, August 10th from 8:00 - 4:00
Sophomores - Tuesday, August 11th from 8:00 - 4:00
Juniors - Wednesday, August 12th from 8:00 - 4:00
Seniors - Thursday, August 13th from 8:00 - 4:00
Students will arrive with a parent/guardian to complete and sign the Acceptable Use Policy Agreement (AUP) and Chromebook Handbook documents. Once the school receives the signed documents, students will be issued their device by the MHS Tech Liaison. Any devices that were checked out over the Summer will need to be brought to the school and reissued. We will also facilitate the collection of the $20 insurance payments for Chromebooks. Our goal is for every student to have their device, ready for learning on August 18th!