Mallory Poe » Welcome to Art and Broadcasting!

Welcome to Art and Broadcasting!

Welcome back! 
My name is Mallory Poe and this is my ninth year as a Moody Bearcat and my thirteenth year as an educator!  I am excited to be back at Moody High School as the Art/Audio & Visual teacher. I graduated from The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences with a degree in Nuclear Medicine Imaging Sciences.  After a career change, I received my alternative certification from Region 12 in Waco. I am certified to teach all grade levels of Art and Technology, as well as general content for all grade levels from Early Childhood through 8th grade.
I have four children including Addy (16), Tucker (14), Brent (12), and Cooper (4).  In my free time I enjoy traveling, art, watching movies, reading, and hiking.


Daily Schedule:

7:37 - 8:24

1st Period

Art I-IV

8:27 - 9:14

2nd Period

Art I-IV

9:17 - 10:04

3rd Period


10:07 - 10:54

4th Period

Art  I-IV

10:57 - 11:44

5th Period


11:47 - 12:34

6th Period

Art I-IV

12:34 - 1:04

Lunch Lunch

1:07 - 1:54

7th Period

Art I-IV

1:57 - 2:44

8th Period

Art I-IV

2:47 - 3:34

9th Period

Art I-IV

Background image  Mallory  Poe`s profile picture
Mallory Poe
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Want to meet?
If you would like to schedule a meeting with me, please email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to schedule a time with you!