Counselor's Corner » Tenth Grade Timeline

Tenth Grade Timeline

Use this timeline to keep you on track in order to reach your maximum potential!

  • FALL
  • Take the PLAN or PSAT assessments offered at school. These assessments help determine your study habits and academic progress, areas of interest, and will help prepare you to take the ACT and SAT assessments next year.
  • Familiarize yourself with college entrance requirements. 
  • Discuss your PLAN and PSAT scores with your counselor.
  • The people who read college and scholarship applications aren’t looking just for grades. Get involved in activities outside the classroom. Work towards leadership positions in the activities you like best. Become involved in community service and other volunteer activities. Colleges look for well rounded students who were studious and active in their high school. 
  • Continue to develop a strong academic foundation.  Challenge yourself in your classes.
  • Work on your writing skills.  Strong writing skills are a necessity-no matter what profession you choose.
  • Find a teacher, counselor, principal, or other adult who will advise and encourage you in your college or career plans.
  • Keep your grades up and check your GPA and class rank each semester.
  • Ask your counselor about taking college classes while in high school (dual credit).
  • Continue to explore interests and careers you think you might like. Use websites like NICHE.COM to explore colleges that have your intended major and begin zeroing in on the type of college you would prefer (two-year or four-year, small or large, rural or urban).
  • If you are interested in attending a military academy, such as West Point or Annapolis, now is the time to start planning and getting information.
  • Go online and research academic requirements for admission to colleges you might be interested in attending.
  • Visit college campuses.
  • Talk to your parents about planning for college expenses.  Continue or begin a savings plan for college. 
  • STUDY HARD !!!